La flânante, a bookshop on bike
La flânante is a nomadic bookshop by bicycle. Robin, the founder, wanted to get started in a new adventure and to create a local social and solidarity economy thanks to his cargo bike.
I wanted to create a peaceful but also playful identity to initiate dynamism. I wanted to work with papercutting to get back to naive shapes to create the logo and illustrations. I also wanted to print with risograph to get subtle imperfections and unusual colours overlaps. Risograph’s colours set are limited so I based the identity on specific colours compatible with this printing technic.
A logo showing flying books on a sunset was created. A set of illustrations was also created on the stroll’s thematics: walking in a forest, in the sand, take time to gaze at nature and wander. They had to be used for the coming bookmarks/business-cards and launch the identity.